Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day One at Sea

32:23.64S  016:01.34E
16th January 2011
Night one at sea has passed uneventfully following the exciting start of yesterday. As we motored out of the yacht basin into the harbour area the boat was surrounded by dolphin; a blessing from the seas.
The rules stipulate that from 10 mins before the start to 2 hours after, no engines are allowed. Not a problem normally, except for over-zealous spectators who were keen to see the start by sitting right on the start line. Once one has no engines your steerage is seriously hampered and there was one poor old Oom who insisted one sitting right in the way of the run-up to the start. The two minutes to start cannon was fired and as we screamed (literally and figuratively) up to the start he was putting along right in our way. Screams and the boat horn to get him to move didn’t help and put him in a state of helpless confusion, he tried to turn out of our way and turned into someone else’s so he turned again and set himself on a collision course with our port side. One of his passengers and Alison had to jump to fend him off. The poor old guy has never heard such language from anyone never mind a woman! J oops heat of the moment.
The wind was mild to say the least and making our way to the buoy off of Greenpoint lighthouse took some time. The wind finally picked up to a steady 16 – 18 knots gusting 22 knots and we were off.
The seas were running a long swell of 3 – 5 meters so the night ride was pretty comfortable
The sun rose with Andre on watch to a beautiful day. The sea swells have increased to 5 – 7 meters and shortened a little so we have some slamming under the saloon making everything jump including us. I am typing with the computer on my lap to stop the hard drive protection engaging every time we bounce.
Rob and Kevin are in the cockpit doing their normal non-stop chirps and André is making breakfast.
Our first breakfast at sea is Bully-beef fried in with onion and egg in a wrap. Nyummy.
Love to all.
Rat CATcher crew!

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