Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moved aboard!

4th January 2011
Royal Cape Yacht Club

After weeks of madness and mayhem at home with packing and unpacking we finally moved onto the yacht on the 1st January 2011, 01/01/11, it seems like a good date. The feeling of being caught up in a tidal wave has subsided and its calm and peaceful aboard if not still a little “unreal”.
On Sunday the 2nd January we set sail from Gordons Bay harbour to Royal Cape Yacht Club (RCYC). There was a heavy fog and no wind so motor sailing was the order of the day. It was great to have our friends Rob and Geraldine Morrisby with us. Rob is one of the crew for the Cape to Rio race. With us was their daughter Storm’s boyfriend Tiaan, she selected to sleep in after new year J. Eric Reeder another friend was with us. I think he is one of ratCATchers biggest fans.
As we sailed into Table Bay harbour the South Easter picked up. We have never had to moor at RCYC  without a wind, so we kept true to tradition. This was our second night aboard and we are moored on what will be our new home for the next 13 days.
The wind kept up for the next two days but this morning we woke to a perfectly beautiful day. The yacht feels more like home every day and I already feel reluctant to leave her. We did find a few items we had forgotten to pack so it is nice to be able to still go home before we leave to collect.
This week we will be off to buy all the provisions for the trip and that’s the final.
Between now and the 15th, when the race starts, there are a few functions and a final send off the night before the race. None of the sailors are sure that is such a good idea J We have had many people asking about seeing us off and it would be lovely; however it just doesn’t seem practical on the day of the race. The club and the moorings promise to be a madhouse with people moving their last provisions aboard sorting out crew; clearing customs etc and then at 09h00 there is a blessing of the fleet and at 10h00 we set sail for the start line. The line is between the harbour wall and a buoy and then we sail down past Granger Bay where those who wish can watch from the V and A or the nearby jetty and once we round the final buoy off Granger Bay we head out to sea. We found previously its best to go early and get a good seat in one of the restaurants where you can see out towards Sea Point side.
On Saturday the 8th January all the competing yachts are sailing round to the V & A, in front of Quay 4 (weather permitting) for our send-off party. Flat Stanley will be performing and all in the V and A will be able to watch from the surrounding restaurants etc. There will however be no public access to the boats.
Anyone keen to watch our progress and position can find it on the following link: http://capetorio.heineken.com/daily-positions
With time on our hands regular blogs will be posted. J
May 2011 be all you dreamed of and more.

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